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Lovex Load Data
Lovex is a reloading powder brand of Explosia S.A., a traditional and important Czech producer of blasting explosives. The history of the company goes back to 1920 when the company Czechoslovak Joint-stock Factory for Explosive Materials was founded in Semtín near Pardubice. The company is 100% state-owned, with a significant position on the market of industrial explosives, not only within the Czech Republic and European Union, but also all over the world. Apart from the production of blasting explosives and ammunition, Rxplosia also provide their own comprehensive range of services for drilling and blasting works, especially for opencast mining and quarrying.

Our Lovex load data covers 19 reloading powders. The Lovex load data consists of overall 306153 loads.
Lovex D037.1
High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate No. 7 designed for 9 mm NATO carbine ammunition. Somewhat more specialized in applications than D032 and D036, it is well suited to high intensity cartridges. It is a good choice for .357, .41 and .44 Magnum cartridges, when slightly less than full powder loads are preferred.
Lovex D037.2
High density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate No. 9 is most suitable for .44 Magnum. This propellant gives excellent velocities for the pressures generated and with less flash than other comparable powders. It is intended for use in large capacity handgun cartridges (.357, .41, .44 Magnum and .454 Casull). It is also suitable for some small rifle cartridges (.25-20 Winchester, .30 M1 Carbine) and the .410 shotgun. It is the best with heavier bullets in most calibers. Lovex slowest handgun propellant.
Lovex D073.5
Medium burning, high density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2460 is useful in wide variety of cartridges. It is slightly slower than D073.4 and shows a small pressure advantage over D073.4 in bores 7 mm and over. Excellent in .308 Winchester, also suitable for M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles.
Lovex D073.6
Medium-slow burning, high density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2520 gives excellent results in medium capacity cartridges (.308 class) and in certain applications in large bore cartridges. It is the best choice for target shooters using 168 grain bullets in the .308 Winchester. D073.6 has a pressure curve appropriate for use with M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles.
Lovex powders used by our Community for the 10 most popular Calibers
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