About Us
xxlreloading.com is a powerful tool for handloaders which offers extensive load data for bullets and powders of various brands and manufacturer in one place! Comfortably search an ever-expanding database of loads by using multiple filters and sorting criteria such as caliber, bullet weight, bullet diameter, bullet manufacturer or propellant. Re-loaders compare key characteristics of various loads for a specific bullet and caliber combination such as powder charge, load ratio, standard maximum pressure, velocity and powder conversion. Also see how loads perform for different barrel length which is particularly important for regions where silencers are used with shorter barrels. All the loads are developed and reviewed by our pro staff. They regularly add new loads to the database.
The ammunition shortage starting 2020 caught many hunters and shooters by surprise. This was even worse in Europe. As leading US manufacturers focused on their home market. The shortage quickly spilled over into ammunition components like bullets, primers and powders. What has been easily available before had suddenly lead times of over 12 months or was not available at all anymore.
We - a group of enthusiastic American, French and German hunters, engineers, long range shooters and reloaders - were facing the same issue as many others and had to look for alternatives to our historically used components to reload our ammun ition. We quickly noticed that there was no tool or information available which really helped to identify and assess alternatives. This is when the idea about XXL Reloading was born.
We started to operate in 2021 with two websites, xxl-relaoding.com and xxl-wiederlande.de. After collection vast feedback and experience, we decided to take our pages to a next level and setup a new site on a new system with many more functions and community options under this URL, xxreloading.com. Now let’s see where the journey takes us.
Our vision is to become the go-to place for every reloader where he can find every information he needs. We also want to provide the largest database for loads covering all relevant caliber, bullets, and powders on the market.
This can not be done manually. Hence we deploy highly sophisticated ballistics calculators that take all relevant aspects into consideration such as powder characteristics, bullets and cartridge dimensions. The underlying models are extensively covered in the relevant literature. The specifics are to calibrate these models to real tests in order to improve the accuracy of the models. We have worked with one of the most well-known experts in this space to fine-tune our models and calculator for best results.
Other existing ballistic calculators on the market are often developed based on very old programming languages and limited calculation capabilities of historic computers. Our models run on high end cloud servers which allow us to run many more iterations for more accurate results!
Our Vision

We are engineers, hunters, shooters and reloading enthusiasts and we operate one of the most powerful ballistics calculators. It has been a lot of work to get where we are!

Our search engine - finds almost everything

Our PR specialist - always eager to make contact.