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8 x 68 S

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Load Data for Caliber 8 x 68 S - Technical Specifications Image

Technical Specifications:

8 x 68 S
Bullet Diameter:
0.323" | 8.20mm
Primer Size:
Large Rifle Magnum (LRM)
Max. Case Length (l3):
2.657" | 67.49mm
Max. Cartridge Length / OAL:
3.425" | 86.99mm
Max. Standardized :
63817 psi | 4400 bar
Case Capacity:
86.0 Grains of Water | 5.58 cm3
Letztes Update:
  • The 8 x 68 S cartridge was developed in the mid-1930s by RWS, a German ammunition manufacturer. It was developed as an improved version of the 8x68mm R, offering increased accuracy and velocity at longer distances.The 8x68S has become increasingly popular among precision shooters due to its versatility and performance. Its case size allows it to achieve higher velocities at long distances compared to other cartridges due to its minimized bullet drop and recoil. Additionally, its superior energy retention up to 1,000 yards makes it an ideal choice for long-range target shooting and hunting applications.The increased velocity of the 8 x 68 S also makes it a great choice for predator calling, as it enables hunters to accurately shoot predators from further away with less risk of wounding or missing their target.

    When aggregating the ballistic performance of 178 suitable bullets for this caliber, you get an average powder charge of 64.7gr | 4.19g , an average muzzle velocity (V0) of 2860fps | 872m/s , and an average muzzle energy (E0) of 4425 Joule.

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    Most popular powders from our community members for this caliber:

  • Weight vs. Velocity - Suitable Bullets for this Caliber

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    Barrel Length  Variation vs. Velocity - by Bullet Weight

  • 8 x 68 S

    Styria Arms | AERO

    .323 | 165gr | AERO SB,- smax:14.55


    3.374" | 85.7mm

    Reload Swiss

    ReloadSwiss RS 60

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8 x 68 S load data available with the following bullets:

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