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7 mm Mag Fl. H.& H.

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Load Data for Caliber 7 mm Mag Fl. H.& H. - Technical Specifications Image

Technical Specifications:

7 mm Mag Fl. H.& H.
Bullet Diameter:
0.284" | 7.21mm
Primer Size:
Large Rifle (LR)
Max. Case Length (l3):
2.500" | 63.50mm
Max. Cartridge Length / OAL:
3.260" | 82.80mm
Max. Standardized :
47863 psi | 3300 bar
Case Capacity:
62.0 Grains of Water | 4.03 cm3
Letztes Update:
  • The 7mm Magnum Flanged Head and Heel (7mm Mag FH&H) is a powerful rimless cartridge designed to deliver maximum performance. The round was developed by British firearms manufacturer Holland & Holland and is highly sought after by competitive shooters, hunters and military personnel alike.The 7mm Mag FH&H has an extremely flat trajectory, which makes it an ideal choice for long-range shooting. Additionally, the round's high velocity ensures that it retains energy over long distances and maintains accuracy even at extreme ranges. Moreover, its sectional density ensures that the bullet is capable of penetrating deeply into targets without excessive fragmentation.For those looking for a powerful round with outstanding performance characteristics, the 7mm Magnum Flanged Head and Heel is the perfect choice. If you are looking for ammunition in this caliber, British firearms manufacturer Holland & Holland offers various cartridge types along with brass casings for reloaders. With the 7mm Mag FH&H you can expect reliable performance no matter what your needs may be.

    When aggregating the ballistic performance of 122 suitable bullets for this caliber, you get an average powder charge of 43.1gr | 2.79g , an average muzzle velocity (V0) of 2496fps | 761m/s , and an average muzzle energy (E0) of 2867 Joule.

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    Barrel Length  Variation vs. Velocity - by Bullet Weight

7 mm Mag Fl. H.& H. load data available with the following bullets:

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